Anatomy Courses
Knowledge of exact three-dimensional relations of the organs of abdomen and thorax is crucial for the therapeutic work and its success.
Thanks to cooperation with the Karl Landsteiner Private University for Health Sciences, we are now able to offer a targeted and solution-oriented course program.
Polishing and refinement of palpation skills through precise three-dimensional exploration
of anatomical structures of the abdomen and thorax.
Using specially prepared and preserved human cadavers all organs can be directly palpated and anatomically understood.
Due to the special preservation method, the so-called Thiel Emabalming Method (developed by Prof. Walter Thiel) the shape, color and consistency of the anatomical structures are preserved without hardening and alienation of the tissues as in case of formaldehyde fixaton.
Thanks to that the palpation of internal organs and all other structures is very similar to working on the living human body.
The course is conducted in small groups (max 8 participants) directly on the human cadaver under anatomical, medical and technical guidance.
Intraperitoneal & Thorax Anatomy- ½ day
Course content
Abdominal region:
Diaphragm, stomach, duodenum D1, duodenojejunal flexure, small intestine, large intestine, liver, spleen, umbilical fold - urachus - bladder, lesser and greater omentum, mesenteries, rectus sheath, anatomical layers of the abdominal wall
Thorax – anterior mediastinum:
Lungs / pleura, heart and pericardium, aorta
Admission requirements for participation:
Lesion chain Digestive Tract - Spine AND
Lesion chain Urogenital Tract – Hip/Spine
Dates and location:
13.11.2020 (08:30-12:30) - University Hospital St. Pölten, Austria
13.11.2020 (13:30-17:30) - University Hospital St. Pölten, Austria
17.11.2020 (13:30-17:30) - University Hospital St. Pölten, Austria
Retroperitoneal, Thorax & Neck Anatomy - ½ day
Course content
Retroperitoneal Space:
Diaphragm, duodenum & pancreas (isolated), kidney & adrenal gland, renal fascia lumbar plexus, abdominal aorta, inferior vena cava, inguinal canal
Thorax - Posterior & Superior Mediastinum, Collum:
Neck, thyroid, larynx, trachea, vessels and nerves of the neck, infrahyoid muscles, superior mediastinum (branches of the aortic arch and venous tributaries of the superior vena cava, phrenic nerve), posterior mediastinum (thoracic aorta, esophagus, vagus nerve, thoracic duct sympathetic trunk) heart, lungs (isolated)
Admission requirements for participation:
Lesion chain Digestive Tract - Spine AND
Lesion chain Urogenital Tract – Hip/Spine AND
Lesion chain Thorax – TSP/CSP
Dates and location:
10.01.2020 (13:30-17:30) - University Hospital St. Pölten, Austria
15.01.2020 (13:30-17:30) - University Hospital St. Pölten, Austria
19.01.2021 (15:30-19:30) - University Hospital St. Pölten, Austria
22.01.2021 (08:30-12:30) - University Hospital St. Pölten, Austria
22.01.2021 (15:30-19:30) - University Hospital St. Pölten, Austria