Extension Course Thorax

Anamnesis, diagnosis, sector treatment of the whole thorax, neck and head area

  • Learn to compile a fundamental visceral anamnesis of the thorax and cardiopulmonal system in interaction with problems of the musculoskeletal system in order to get already a clear picture of the lesion chain.
  • Verification of lesion chains through diagnosis
  • Treatment of the lesion chain, which consist of connected sectors
  • Learn to use the targeted course of treatment, which is based on anatomic, topographic, physiological/functional, sympathetic and parasympathetic relations
  • Deepening and advancing the implementation in daily practice

At the end of the course, participants will be able to apply the newly learned techniques in their daily practice.

Admission requirements for the Extension Course Thorax: 



Extension Course Thorax

450,- € Duration: 3 days

Time schedule:

8am - 7pm

Teaching units:

30 teaching units at 60 minutes per unit

Course overview

All topic-specific courses can be booked as a stand-alone course in random order.

At the end of the course, participants will be able to apply the newly learned techniques in their daily practice.