
In Austria the school is accredited with the Ö-Cert certification.

Elfi Schlager

Physiotherapist, MAS
Teacher at the School for Visceral Therapy

Elfi Schlager was born in 1970 in Vienna, she is married and has 2 children. She lives and works as a freelance physiotherapist in her own group practice in Waidhofen/Thaya in lower Austria.


She graduates in 1991 at the academy of the Viennese AKH with distinction and worked in the regional clinical center Horn with focus on accident surgery and intensive care. From 1994 she was the executive of the therapists in the multidisciplinary team. 2001 she completed her master study of health management at the Danube University Krems with distinction.

In her occupational career she set always high value on further education. This is reflected also in the multiplicity of her acquired knowledge and capabilities:
Conservative orthopedic medicine according to Cyriax of the extremities and spine, functional kinetics according to Klein-Vogelbach, analytic medicine according to R. Sohier, PNF, lymphatic drainage according to Dr.Vodder, three dimensional scoliosis therapy according to Schroth
These training together build the basis of her manifold therapeutic abilities.

Since 2003 she was employed with the Craniosacral Therapy according to J. Upledger, strain-counterstrain, spinal mobilisation, muscle-energy-technic, mobilisation of the nerval system and visceral manipulation according to J.P. Barral.
Based on these trainings the visceral therapy developed to her preferred access in her practice.

That´s why she assisted a lot of trainings from 2009 to 2015, first at the Barral Institute Austria and since 2012 at the School of Visceral Therapy.
2016 Elfi Schlager will be teacher at the School of Visceral Therapy and will support the teaching team at her best.

A particular concern of her is to convey the holistic relationships in the body and the connections from the visceral system to the musculoskeletal system. These insights can be applied directly in the work with the patients. The joy of teaching and learning and the careful use of humans are very important for her.


„Even the longest journey begins with the first step…“
Elfi Schlager